Noh Jesu – ノ・ジェス
21世紀の悟り人 令和哲学者
Noh Jesu(盧 在洙:ノ・ジェス)
「光はどこからきたの?」という幼い頃に抱いた疑問をきっかけに、「この世界を成り立たせる真実の“仕組み”」について追求を開始。取得した武道の段の合計は20段を超え、韓国代表選手を輩出する武道場や、幼児教育サービス会社を経営するなど、人材教育の最前線で活躍後、1996年に来日。福岡で宇宙全ての存在の創造・変化の仕組みである0=∞=1を発見。数学・物理学・哲学など様々な学問の大統合を可能にするnTech・令和哲学として体系化。それらを気軽に学ぶことができる令和哲学カフェは半年間で延べ3万人以上が参加、国内外で開催されたセミナー参加者は合計で約13万人。韓国生まれでありながら、世界の未来の鍵を握るのは日本であることを確信し、26年間人生を賭けてJAPAN MISSIONを発信・実践し続けている。
現在、NR JAPAN株式会社 代表取締役、ピースプロダクション株式会社 代表取締役、日韓VISION同盟 韓国代表などを務め、令和哲学や世界基軸教育を提唱している。
CEO of Peace Production Ltd.
South Korean Representative of the Japan-South Korea Vision Alliance
Founder of Kanjutsu (Hitotsu Studies)
Born in Daegu, South Korea, Jesu Noh received a master’s degree in biotechnology from Yeungnam University. After 20 years of training in martial arts and meditation, he got an international tai chi instructor license and started running a martial arts training school and an early childhood education company. In 1996, a year after moving to Fukuoka, Japan, he discovered the pattern of change common to all the beings in the universe, which he successfully translated into “Image Language.” Based on his discovery and invention, Noh created ninshiki (“cognition” in Japanese) technology and developed a body of theory called Kanjutsu in order to solve all the problems deriving from fixed perspectives. In 2007, he established an educational venture company, NR JAPAN Inc., and in 2011, Noh founded the Japan-South Korea Vision Alliance, representing the South Korea. Next year, the Kanjutsu Smart Training Program started in the mission of developing leaders for the next generation. With the launch of NR KOREA Inc. in South Korea in 2014, Noh’s mission has gone global and is ready to reach the whole world.
Books authored by Jesu Noh:
Ninshiki Revolution, Mind Motion Revolution (Volumes 1&2), Communication Revolution, School Revolution, National Revolution, Applying Prince Shotoku’s Seventeen Article Constitution to the Modern Age with Kanjutsu, Ascending the Value of Japan’s Spirit of Wa with Kanjutsu.
He has a Japanese wife, a daughter with Japanese nationality and a son with South Korean nationality.