人工知能(Artificial Intelligence:AI)は第3世代AIの中心である深層学習(Deep Learning)を超え、第4世代へ向かっています。
Dignity 2.0 International Conference
Conference Vision
Artificial Intelligence has made remarkable progresses toward the fourth-generation AI beyond the deep learning of the third generation. Although this tremendous evolution of AI brings convenience for human society, that also increasingly carries out many physical and intellectual labors of human beings and that will place us in a crisis situation where most of us are becoming a member of the useless class in the near future. In addition, the outbreak of novel Coronavirus has revealed the limits of modern science that cannot bring a tiny virus under control and has posed a common threat throughout the world. That triggers the moribund economy and destroys mental health as well as poses health hazards to humans. Now the depression, suicide and violence with rage have prevailed and the situation is getting worse.
The emergence of those problems poses an ultimate question to human beings. The question is “what is the dignity of human beings?” The rapid progress in science is also expected to lead us towards the technological singularity, which is predicted to occur around 2045. That means today’s human society has come to an end and evolved dramatically to the next stage of a new kokoro (human spirit) era where people can no longer ignore that ultimate question.
Up until now, we humans have defined the concept of dignity as the dignity of “partial” existence and been searching for the dignity-based relationships between these existences. That could be Dignity1.0. However, we think that the concept of dignity should be evolved at this human’s turning point. We propose Dignity2.0 and it defines the world of non-duality, the world in which there is only one motion and any partial existence cannot be allowed. That means we have a start line-a common foundation in which there is nothing but dignity.
A new education based on Dignity2.0 is the needs of the times and it could be the “World Axis Education” shared throughout the world. The times aspires a new platform where people who think about future society and search for what it means to be human to gather, share, and integrate wisdom in order to transmit what the true human dignity is and what the true kokoro is. The true role of education is to make all humans create visionary synergies for a new future and not to cause the conflicts among nations and ideologies like today. We need that new platform for providing this new education.
Dignity 2.0 International Conference serves as a movement to propagate this education throughout the world. The Dignity 2.0 conference will serve as a platform for leaders who are willing to lead a new direction in the coming era. It is a movement to promote education and technology combining many fields, such as philosophy, spirituality, physics, mathematics, and science as well as integrating the whole knowledge. It is also a meta platform that shares a new method of creating new knowledge. The meta platform does this by leveraging a new dimension that complements the universally known dimensions of time and space. At this conference, people who have been active in a variety of leading-edge fields gather and share with one another what they have been searching for. They are also encouraged to formulate a new education that allows development of new occupations, technology, products, and industries appropriate for the kokoro era.
Furthermore, this conference plays a role as an organization with the purpose of integrating the ideological disputes of liberalism and collectivism into a dignity democracy, and sharing and transmitting the path of co-existence and co-prosperity of communities created through World Axis Education in a Post-Coronavirus era. It is administered by volunteers who agreed with this purpose.
Starting with the Dignity 2.0 International conference in Osaka in October 2021, we will form a Dignity 2.0 International Conference managing organization for each of the major cities in the world so that we can expand our activity base as a world-wide organization. Each conference managing group will be focused on running the Dignity 2.0 International Conference for that country as an organization representing each country. In each country, the managing group will select people, genres, and methods that would match with its needs for a conference.
In this era where people should face the unexperienced crisis, we establish Dignity 2.0 International Conference in order to maintain a world that generates hope and enables continuous evolution and development of all people.
一般財団法人 令和教育財団 理事長 一般社団法人 マインドームコーチ協会 代表理事 n Clinic 院長
– Institute of Japan Mindome Coach Association、Director of n Clinic
岩田 千佳 Chika Iwata
多くの肉体労働、知的労働の代替として進化発展し続けるAI。人間の仕事がA Iに取って代わられていくことで、私達は人間の存在意義を問われているように感じます。 人間の尊厳とは一体何なのでしょう。そんな問いを突きつけられているAI時代は、「心の時代」の到来であると言わざるを得ません。
それは、「“尊厳-Dignity”を生かした関係性」と「”SNS”というネット空間」との新しいつながり方を構築することであり、 このようにして日本発のコミュニティモデル、コミュニティプラットフォームを提案していきたいと思っています。
Greetings from the representative of Dignity 2.0 International Conference
Dear all, how would you interpret this era is?
I am determined to create a new era with courage by having the clear diagnosis, accurate prescription to this era, and by sharing it with everyone. While humankind has greatly benefited from the evolution of science and technology, it is trying to create human agent AI.
AI continues to evolve an alternative to many physical and intellectual labor. As human work is replaced by AI, we feel that the significance of human existence is being questioned. What is human dignity?
In the AI era, tackling that question is the start of “the kokoro (human spirit) era.” As the concept of the Dignity 2.0 International Conference, we will promote the creation of a relationship model in the AI era called “SNS3.0.”
It is to build a new connection between “dignity relation” and “SNS”, and in this way we would like to propose a community model and community platform originating in Japan.
We hope that we can create a new era together with your cooperation.
この日本が、絶望の底から立ち上がり、全世界へと恒久的な平和である令和の福音を奏でる2021年10月9日、10日、11日は正しく文明が後天開闢する歴史的現場です。 科学の進化に強く依存した現代の発展で、人間の心が取り残され、尊厳不在の教育、尊厳不在の経済、尊厳不在の政治、尊厳不在の文化芸術に終止符を打つ偉大な瞬間。 脳を土台にした決して辿り着くことのできない高さの成功を追い求めるDignity1.0の文化文明を脱却し、出発もプロセスもゴールも尊厳である深さの成功を得たDignity2.0の文化文明が始まる。これほど嬉しいことはありません。
Noh Jesu
Visual Identity
物質文明、脳の時代 ( 男性性時代 ) を終わりにさせ、尊厳文明、心の時代 ( 女性性時代 ) をスタートさせる、初めての国際的試
みである、Dignity2.0 国際カンファレンス。この最初の点を打つ「日本」をイメージしたロゴ。